
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Technical details about the super suit and how it effects Black

Greetings people, it has been some time since my last post. So much has happened. I will continue with the origin of SuperBlack in the next post. He has given me permission to reveal his enemy and his plans to save humanity, but this post is just for those interested in the technical details. This post will explain as much as i can and list everything that I've been able to uncover regarding the super suit, swarming nanobots, quantum computer and artificial intelligence software that it uses. Even if techie geek stuff bores you, I recommend that you read this anyway.
The super suit is officially (unofficially) known as the GQ SUIT, lol. I shit you not. It stands for: Graphene based, Quantum computing, Swarming nanobot, Undetectable, Intelligent, Transport, I think. I do know that it is made of many layers of graphene, plastene and a few other two dimensional materials. Within these layers are the electrical pathways and sensors that all lead to the quantum computer. Let me back up and try to break this all down.
YThe nanobots and suit technology were not ready for distribution. Trials on monkeys and a few human test subjects, ended in many slow painful deaths. The nanobots were designed to integrate themselves into the body of the host and the suit would monitor and tend to the hosts physical condition. Any detected health problems, injuries, etc... and the suit would tell the nanobots where to go and what to do. The Nanobots then went to work, folded the host and returned to their docking spots. The problem was that when the Nanobots first entered the host body, they overwhelmed the body's immune system. The body would shut down and the subjects died; all of them, every time. So why did Malcolm survive and become SuperBlack? You will have to wait until my next post where I will continue with more background story. But before we get to that, let me try to explain the quantum computer. Um... I can't really. I don't quite understand how it works since all articles about it state that it is still in the works and barely out of the theoretical stage. That's a great big negative, good buddy. Quantum computers are real and functioning, most people just don't know. What I've been able to figure out is this: a quantum computer is really REALLY fast and freaking small as well. The computer in Black's suit is so small, you can't see it with the naked eye but it is powerful and fast enough to care for and run the suit, Nanobots and Black himself. There is a 3D holographic display built into the plastic tub that he found the suit in. This hologram program functions as an owners manual and trouble shooting guide. If it wasn't for this nifty feature and Chi's huge DJ speakers, I would not have been able to save our hero. Again, I will explain all of this in my next post. Before I go, there's one more thing. According to the program, the suit has a couple secret weapons. One is something about igniting the phosphorus in the Super Black coating. It acts as a massive flash-bang grenade; lots of noise and light without explosive blast and shrapnel damage. The other secret weapon is a bit more confusing but if it works, epic! It is experimental and even the program warns against using this weapon, except as a last resort. Supposedly, the GQ SUIT has the ability to alter the speed of time, or at least the perception of the speed of time. I'll try to explain: time is only seen as moving at a constant rate to us because of the way our eyes view light and the invention of time keeping and clocks. Light moves as particles on waves. These waves and particles move at a constant rate, as we perceive it. However, if you change our perception of light and the speed that light moves, you can theoretically alter the speed of time. Therefore, using the light absorbing properties of graphene and the Super Black coating in combination with a series of pulsing lasers within the suit layers, Black should be able to slow time for himself, while appearing to vanish to us. When the lasers fire at a certain frequency, a "light-time bubble" is created around the suit. The speed of light particles entering the suit slows dramatically. The world outside the bubble should appear in slow motion to anyone inside the bubble. To us, everything inside the bubble appears to be moving faster than our eyes can perceive and brains can comprehend. Again, according to the owners manual, this has not been tested and is only theoretical. Ok, that should be all of the technical crap. I will update this post with any new future info. *I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta... Go. I'll write another post soon, with some more background info*

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