
Sunday, September 14, 2014

SuperBlack and ChiNegro, Origins part 2, 9-14-14.

Greetings and salutations to my handful of readers. Two posts ago, I was telling you about how Malcolm became SuperBlack. I hope you read the technical details (last post) because I won't be explaining how all of the tech works again, at least not in that much detail.
So, where we left things, Malcolm was finishing up his day at work. He had worn the super suit under his work clothes and was snooping around the lab where he found it. What he didn't know was that the moment he entered the lab, his suit activated it's counterparts, 40 quadrillion Nanobots. Inside a locked, electromagnetically sealed cabinet, were shelves filled with black canisters. They looked like cigar tubes. Each was marked "GQ SUIT SWARM." One of the canisters began to vibrate. Malcolm headed toward the wall of barrels that held the suits. He slid the stacks aside and retrieved the one from yesterday. He popped it open and dumped out the trash bags. Stenciled inside was "GQ SUIT BASE." He shut the case and hid it inside his janitors cart. As he turned to leave the lab, he heard the humming. Malcolm followed the noise to the locked cabinet. As he grasped the handle, an electromagnetic lock sensed the suit and it unlocked. He swung open the doors and gawked at the mass of tubes. He had no clue what they were but they definitely had something to do with his suit. "Fuck it," he thought and took the vibrating one. He completed his tasks and left for the day. All the way home, his thoughts were of the suit. "GQ SUIT... SWARM... what the fuck?" he pondered. When he got home, Bruce was on the couch playing video games. With a few quick words, he ran by his brother and into his room. He pulled out the tub and canister, and stripped down to his super suit. The small tube vibrated with more intensity and began to emit a loud high pitched squeal. Wincing in pain, Malcolm picked it up and shook it vigorously. The sound got louder. He winced and threw it at the wall. The tube cracked open and a slow moving black smoke swirled out of it. It filled the room, moving deliberately, with an intelligence. He tried to turn and run but the suit had him frozen. He watched in horror as the black smoke crept slowly up his nose. It reeked of ozone. And what was that taste, Malcolm wondered as he lost consciousness and fell hard to the floor. In the living room, Bruce paused his game a moment. He thought he heard a thud, even felt the vibrations. "Yo nigga, you dead?" he called out. No response. Oh well. He shrugged his shoulders and resumed his game. Twenty feet away, in his room, Malcolm's body convulsed and twitched. His breathing was little more than a labored wheezing. The Nanobots from within the tube had entered his body and were analyzing his physiology. They virulently spread themselves throughout his body, integrating with his cells and altering his DNA. As the Nanobots worked diligently to enhance him, they inadvertently set off a chain reaction. His body was fighting the Nanobots as if they were a virus. Malcolm was dying.
*the madness never ends. I have to go but I will continue this later tonight*

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