
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Superheroes Are Real!

The information in the following posts is all true. None of the names have been changed for the sake of justice and street cred. There is evil in the world, a cold ruthless presence that lives in the hearts of all people. Sometimes, it settles in and sinks deep roots, growing, spreading like a choking vine, darkening the human soul. This sickness has spread throughout our world. I know you have seen it too. If you deny this, you are either blind to it or already sick and dead inside. This is the story of a man who was consumed by the evil but fought back and regained his soul. He is SuperBlack, the Afro-American, Ebonics originating, stereotype habituating, invisible, invincible superhero. Along with his bi-racial sidekick, Chinegro, they fight injustice and an evil corporation hell bent on the annihilation of humanity.

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