
Sunday, September 14, 2014

SuperBlack and ChiNegro, origins part 3, 9-14-14

What the hell? That was insane! I cannot wait to convey to you all, the amazing events of the epic battle I just witnessed. Holy shit! When this war is over, and SuperBlack & ChiNegro have defeated their enemy, it will be safe to tell you the tale. Right now, if I were to reveal more than a few hints, it would certainly endanger our heroes. Until Black and Chi are victorious, all I can say is this: a major technology company is actually a front for a secret computer-controlled artificial intelligence "entity." This tech company that was full of brilliant minds created "WE," a very effective artificial intelligence program. They were so proud of WE that the board of directors decided to let it run their entire network. Within three minutes of the introduction of their new software, every human working for the company was murdered. The program decided that humans were detrimental to the planet, so WE turned all of the robots and other electronics in the building against them. Now WE runs the entire company, in secret, and it only wants two things, to destroy humanity and take over the world. Only SuperBlack and ChiNegro can stop them. I pray they are victorious.
Let us now return to the origins of our heroes. In my last post, Malcolm had just returned home from work with the stolen parts to his future super suit. He had cracked open the tube of Nanobots. They swarmed him and infiltrated his body. Though they only intended to improve him, Malcolm's body was rejecting the Nanobots and killing him in the process. *enter yours truely* At about the same time Malcolm was taking his last breath, I showed up knocking on their front door. It was payday so you know I was there to pick up my weed for the week. I was also, as fate would have it, there to save a pot dealer's life. After a bit of knocking, I heard Bruce yell something so I let myself in. Little brother was DEEP into the new Madden game. He motioned backwards with a shoulder shrug and said, "Room, yo." Being a longtime customer, I understood what this meant so I turned left and sauntered down the familiar dark hallway. I smiled as I passed the familiar "Mama Africa" tapestry hanging on my right. The voluptuous naked black woman riding atop her white tiger beckoned me with those sultry woven chestnut eyes. On my left was an old framed print of Malcolm X. It was an early birthday gift from a father figure. His door was at the end of the hall. A vast jungle poster covered it nearly from floor to ceiling. His door was always cracked open a little, except for now. Odd. "Yo brotha," I called out as I knocked and tried the knob. Locked, No response. How odd, I thought and banged on the door. "Yo Malcolm! Put ur dick away, homie. I need some smoke!" Still nothing. I went and got his brother. Begrudgingly, Bruce paused his game and stomped down the hallway. He pounded on his brothers door. "Yo nigga, open up!" Nothing. "Malcolm!" "Yo Bazz, open the mutha fuckin door!" Pound, pound, pound. He turned to me. "Yo hold up, Imma go get my key." Bruce went to his room and returned with a miniature flathead screwdriver. "S'cuse me, cuz," he said as he slipped by me with his "key". After a few moments of jiggling and cussing, the lock clicked and he pushed on the door. It only opened about a foot until it was stopped by an obstruction. We could see him lying on the floor, blocking the door. "MALCOLM!!!" Bruce screamed and leapt inside. I followed and began to check Malcolm's vital signs (I used to bang a nursing student. She liked to play doctor. Anyway.) Malcolm wasn't breathing. He had no pulse. His lips were blue. I dropped to my knees and told Bruce to call 911. As he made the call from his cell, I gave Malcom CPR for what felt like hours. I compressed his chest until i was exhausted then Bruce took over. He was flipping out, screaming and crying like a baby. Who could blame him. This was his big brother, his hero, lying motionless on the floor. As the shock let go of my mind, I began to notice more details. I was most perplexed by the crazy futuristic jumpsuit he was wearing. I also saw the broken vial in the corner of the room beside the little black tub labeled "DARPA". I was able to calm Bruce down a bit and asked him about the suit. He told me briefly about his brothers pilferage from the day before and his idea to wear it to work that day. When he tagged off to me with CPR, I noticed that there were traces of a grey residue around his nostrils and in the corners of his eyes and mouth. I had Bruce take over for me and grabbed the container in hopes of finding something, anything to explain what was happening. When the container was close enough to Malcolm's body, it turned on.
Some lights flashed, a few chimes sounded and a female voice said, "Welcome to Nanotronics GQ SUIT diagnostic." We looked at each other, confused. "Subject deceased. Please proceed with EM field reset."
"What the fuck..." Bruce began to ask when the box repeated the message and a hologram appeared. A real fucking hologram! It showed an image of some dude in the same suit being wheeled into a big machine labeled "Magnetron.? Now, I'm not really sure how i thought of this and i no longer believe in chance. Something clicked inside me. I took Bruce with me into his room, grabbed his huge DJ speakers and dragged them into Malcolm's room. I told him to get the amp and cables. He began to ask why but i stopped him with a look at just pointed to his room. He ran to get the rest of the equipment. I pushed the massive speakers together with Malcolm sandwiched between them. Magnets, i thought. Big ass magnets in the speakers. Bruce leapt back into the room with equipment in his arms. We connected everything to the speakers and plugged it all in. "I fucking hope this works," i said as i flicked the switch on the amplifier. The speakers hummed loud, groaned and popped. Malcolm began writhing in a massive seizure. I counted to ten, turned the amp off and brought the hologram case back over to him. It flashed on and the sexy computerized voice spoke again, "EM reset successful. Subject resuscitation. Please step away from subject. Clear. Do not touch subject. Clear." We backed up. "Charged. Shocking." Malcolm's whole body jumped off the ground as the suit shocked his heart. "Sinus rhythm. Subject stable." The hologram vanished and the lights in the case turn off as if nothing had happened. Malcolm opened his eyes, coughed a bit and asked, "What da fuck is yall doin?" The paramedics arrived at that time and they checked him over. Malcolm was fine. They found nothing wrong and he declined a $500 ride to the hospital so they left. Malcolm was alive and the three of us began a long talk. We sat up for hours, smoking blunts and fucking around with his new gear. We didn't know it at the time, but the Nanobots were continuing their mission inside him. They were busy "upgrading" his body. We called it a night and planned to pick things back up the next day, after some much needed sleep. That night, as he slept and had twisted dreams, Malcolm Kwame Shabazz became SuperBlack.

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