
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 1, 2nd entry, SuperBlack & ChiNegro, origins.

Dannie Koord here, continuing the story of Black and Chi. I guess I should go back to the beginning. It was eight years ago when I met this janitor who sold weed. I was still in college studying journalism. My early aspirations to save the world had given way to chasing after hippy stoner bitches. Free weed meant free pussy, and my connection had great weed. For reasons still unknown to me, one day, my guy vanished. No word, no nothing, not even a "poof." I was close to panicking when I met Malcolm the janitor. He overheard me looking for weed one day and offered to hook me up. It was the shit and I was the man with the goods. Over the next two years, Malcolm, his younger brother and I, became tight, or as he would so eloquently proclaim, "Niggas F'Life!" They were thugs, but good natured, not like most douche bags. Selling weed paid for what they smoked, but not much more, so big brother had to get a real job. That's right, before he was SuperBlack, Malcolm Kwame Shabazz was a "sanitation engineer" (janitor) at a local nanotechnology company. To say he had a rough life wasn't even close. Malcolm never knew his parents. They left him at an orphanage soon after he was born. The institution that had him was brutal, so he broke out at the age of nine. Our hero hustled his way through life. The streets taught him what public school and a daddy couldn't. When Malcolm was 14, he found an abandoned baby behind a dumpster. It was wrapped up in a box with a note written on the back of a Chinese restaurant menu. He couldn't read it but Malcolm knew, he had to bring that baby home or it would die. Seeing a bit of himself in it, Malcolm "adopted" the baby as his brother. Well, he always says his "Haffa-Brotha". The baby boy was apparently a mix of black and asian. Malcolm named him, Bruce Lee Zulu Shabazz, but now, he is known as... ChiNegro! Wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyway, as Bruce aged, he learned bangin by watching his older brother. Bruce was Malcolm's biggest fan and the two thugs were thick as thieves. Eventually Malcolm knew that they would need health benefits so he had to get respectable, sort of. He faked his resume and got hired at Nanotronics Corporation. Low man on the totem pole, Malcolm always had the shitty job no one else wanted to do. Often, he wanted to quit the bullshit but he stuck with it. Eventually, Malcolm gained seniority and settled into an easy routine of sweeping the floors and emptying office garbage cans. That is how he found the graphene body suit. That was when everything changed... *I gotta run people. I'll try to post again later. Fight The Power!!!*

Superheroes Are Real!

The information in the following posts is all true. None of the names have been changed for the sake of justice and street cred. There is evil in the world, a cold ruthless presence that lives in the hearts of all people. Sometimes, it settles in and sinks deep roots, growing, spreading like a choking vine, darkening the human soul. This sickness has spread throughout our world. I know you have seen it too. If you deny this, you are either blind to it or already sick and dead inside. This is the story of a man who was consumed by the evil but fought back and regained his soul. He is SuperBlack, the Afro-American, Ebonics originating, stereotype habituating, invisible, invincible superhero. Along with his bi-racial sidekick, Chinegro, they fight for the survival of the human race. "Black," as he likes to be called, has decided to tell the world his story. I guess he chose me to write this because he trusts me and he likes my poetry. Black was a runaway orphan. Consequently, there are no family members that can be endangered by public revelation of his identity. He really has no fear of reprisals or death. Just as fearless as Black, but half as tall, is his sidekick or "Lil' Homie", Chinegro. He has no known family either. Black found Chi as an abandoned baby with a note scribbled in Cantonese on the back of a Chinese food menu. Black never did figure out what the note said but he took in that little dark-skinned, afro-bearing, slanty-eyed baby and raised him like a brother... *I gotta go. Black is texting me. I'll tell you more soon. D.K. out*